Thank you for your interest in submitting an article, project, or product for Elemental Green! We’re on a mission to educate and inspire people to create their dream green home – whatever size, shape, or place it may be. There’s no single path or end product, so we aim for diversity of projects and information to better empower our readers to find the sustainable solutions they maybe never knew existed.

Do you have an article, project, or product you’d like to share? Here’s how to do it:


How Can I Write for Elemental Green?

#1 Review our Editorial Policy to ensure your article (or idea) fits within our content guidelines.

#2 An article should be a minimum of 400 words and must be exclusively submitted to Elemental Green. We will likely reject overly self-promotional pieces, but it’s okay to talk about who you are and what you do if it’s relevant to the article.

#3 Find or create a high-quality header image:

#4 Include an author bio. A short paragraph is sufficient.

#5 Submit your article idea or draft article using this form.

If accepted, we still require guest articles to go through our normal editorial process and will notify you of any edits for you to approve.


How Do I Submit a Home Building or Renovation Project?

#1 Make sure your project falls within the topics outlined in our Editorial Policy. We’d love to see:

  • New projects that incorporate the latest technologies, design, and materials. Older projects will be considered, too, but are less likely to be featured.
  • Projects of all sizes & types: tiny homes, prefabs, historic renovations, kitchen remodels, apartment makeovers, landscape design, budget-friendly projects, etc..

#2 Take high-quality photos:

  • We only share project photos that are high-resolution, clear, and well-lit. Images should be at least 840 pixels wide.
  • If your camera skills are sub-par, consider hiring a pro. We want to show your project in all of its green glory.

#3 Please include the following:

  • If possible, before and after photos – and even in-progress photos. Not only do readers enjoy seeing the full process, it makes your project more educational and inspirational, as well.
  • Please detail the eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of your project.

#4 Share your photos & project details:

  • Email your project photos and details to content [at]
  • We will contact you if we have any questions or would like to do an interview.

How Do I Submit a Sustainable Product?

#1 Make sure your product falls within the topics outlined in our Editorial Policy. We’d love to see:

  • Sustainable products that incorporate the latest technologies, design, and materials. Older products will be considered, too, but are less likely to be featured.
  • Products which have appropriate green certification and/or assist in fulfillment of Home Building Certifications such as LEED for Homes (™)
  • In order to have your product featured more prominently, consider joining us as an advertiser or sponsor.

#2 Provide high-quality photos:

  • We only share photos that are high-resolution, clear, and well-lit. Images should be at least 840 pixels wide.
  • If your camera skills are sub-par, consider hiring a pro. We want to show your product in all of its green glory.

#3 Please include the following:

  • If possible, standard product shots and also shots of your product in use in a green home.
  • Please detail the eco-friendly and sustainable aspects of your product.
  • Please share information about your company. We’d especially like to know if you have policies or protocols for things like sustainable manufacturing practices or corporate social responsibility programs that donate a portion of your profits to benefit environmental organizations.
  • Please view other product pages on Elemental Green to see the different types of information other companies have included.

#4 Share your photos & product details:

  • Email your photos and details to content [at]
  • We will contact you if we have any questions or would like to do an interview.


Please note that we cannot guarantee posting of all the submissions we receive since we try to select those which we think would be of most interest to our readers.