Vintage home decor offers a sustainable, creative, and affordable way to furnish. Nonprofits, flea markets, and auctions houses draw crowds. Or shop online.
Vintage home decor offers a sustainable, creative, and affordable way to furnish. Nonprofits, flea markets, and auctions houses draw crowds. Or shop online.
Fireclay Tile’s handmade tile serves as the design inspiration inside a 1960s kitchen whose sustainable renovation pays homage to its modernist roots.
Selecting sustainable materials is just as important as green design. So look at the entire lifecycle of products, and prioritize on the goals of your project.
Focusing on craftsmanship, salvaged materials, and biophilia, CarbonShack’s first branded home achieved LEED Platinum with a West Coast–shingle mashup style.
A modest, Arts and Crafts–style home was lovingly renovated to the highest green standards. Today it’s healthy, beautiful, and budget-friendly.
Home textiles touch our lives every day, and all night. The industry has issued a collective call to sustainability, showing innovation in eco-friendly fabrics.
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