
FAQs for Small Wind Systems

FAQs for Small Wind Systems

Are you interested in powering your home with renewable energy and wondering if wind is right for you? Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Wind vs. Solar — Which Power Source Is Better?

Wind vs. Solar — Which Power Source Is Better?

Wind and solar are the heavy hitters of renewable energy. But can they both stand up to the giants of non-renewable energy, or is one sector a more promising investment? Here’s a look at the pros and cons of wind and solar energy.

Residential Wind: Wind Power In Your Backyard

Residential Wind: Wind Power In Your Backyard

So maybe you’re thinking you want to generate your own electricity. After all, who really enjoys paying a utility bill? Small wind energy is renewable, non-polluting, and can save you money. But is home wind power a good fit for you?

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