Good To Know

18 Inexpensive Sustainable Homes Almost Anyone Can Afford

According to HomeAdvisor, the typical new home built in the United States in 2023 was $121,099 to $502,765. And because buyers continue to outnumber sellers, that figure is rising. For buyers seeking a more affordable and sustainable new home, check out these alternatives.

Why Choose a Walkable Community?

Walkable cities foster community, improve health and happiness. Walkable neighborhoods are desirable places to live. Lifting up public health and safety, while fostering community, make walkable neighborhoods desirable places to live, work, and play. Find yours today!

Strengthen Homes to Combat Storm Damage

Strengthen, reinforce, and seal. A new home standard for owners and their contractors prevents storm damage to the roof and prevents cascading damage indoors.

Tesla Solar Roof Shingles

Solar Roof shingles are both green and gorgeous. With an integrated Powerwall battery you'll effectively turn your home into a personal utility! Plus, they're so durable they're warrantied for the lifetime of your house, or infinity, whichever comes first. 

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