Kitchen Lighting

Elemental Green Founder Sheridan Foster Dishes on #EcoRenovate

Elemental Green Founder Sheridan Foster Dishes on #EcoRenovate

Are you planning to renovate your home? The product choices you make can have a huge impact on your health and the planet. Elemental Green’s Founder and CEO Sheridan Foster gives us some such examples as she walks us through our first branded renovation in Chicago’s Hyde Park.

LED Light Bulbs for Now, and for the Future

LED Light Bulbs for Now, and for the Future

LED light bulbs that were once very expensive can be had for $5 or less. The savings in energy cost, year after year, pays for the investment many times over. But which products will last, and show you and your home in their very best light?

DryHome Sun Solutions Skylights

DryHome Sun Solutions Skylights

You can really feel the difference when you walk into a room filled with sunlight. Skylights, roof windows and Sun Tunnels have a dramatic effect on living spaces. Not only do they improve your quality of life, they add value to your home!

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