
You’ve Heard of Fiberglass Insulation, but Do You Know About the Other Types of Blanket Insulation?

You’ve Heard of Fiberglass Insulation, but Do You Know About the Other Types of Blanket Insulation?

For most people, blanket insulation is the insulation that comes to mind when they think about insulation in a home. Most of us have seen attics filled with pink or yellow insulation. That pillowy insulation that we’re familiar with is blanket insulation and in most cases it was made of fiberglass, which is the most common type of insulation in the United States. But blanket insulation can be made not only of fiberglass, but also of other flexible fibers such as cotton, mineral wool, and sheep’s wool.

18 Inexpensive Sustainable Homes Almost Anyone Can Afford

18 Inexpensive Sustainable Homes Almost Anyone Can Afford

According to HomeAdvisor, the typical new home built in the United States in 2023 was $121,099 to $502,765. And because buyers continue to outnumber sellers, that figure is rising. For buyers seeking a more affordable and sustainable new home, check out these alternatives.

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