
Unraveling the Many Fair Trade Certifications

Unraveling the Many Fair Trade Certifications

Buying Fair Trade has the power to change lives and lift up communities and the environment. Consumers can expect to pay a premium for Fair Trade brands that pay fair wages, practice sustainability, and invest in communities. So Elemental Green helps you tease out just how green or equitable a product or specific brand actually is.

IAQ 101: Feel Better About the Air You’re Breathing

IAQ 101: Feel Better About the Air You’re Breathing

The products you use to keep our home clean and safe may actually be harming your family’s health instead of protecting it. Certified green cleaners are proven to be just as effective at removing dirt and grime as harsher cleaning products, while being safer than conventional alternatives as well as healthier and more environmentally friendly.

Eco Cleaning and Disinfecting in the Time of COVID

Eco Cleaning and Disinfecting in the Time of COVID

The products you use to keep our home clean and safe may actually be harming your family’s health instead of protecting it. Certified green cleaners are proven to be just as effective at removing dirt and grime as harsher cleaning products, while being safer than conventional alternatives as well as healthier and more environmentally friendly.

Recolor’s Recycled Paint Gives Unused Paint New Life

Recolor’s Recycled Paint Gives Unused Paint New Life

Every year, millions of gallons of paint end up going to waste, with much of it ending up in our waterways and landfills. Recolor collects unused paint and remanufactures it as a healthy paint option for any eco-renovation, including our own #EcoRenovate.

15 Fabulous Eco-Friendly Countertops For Kitchens Or Baths

15 Fabulous Eco-Friendly Countertops For Kitchens Or Baths

One of the easiest ways to make a major statement in a kitchen or bathroom is by installing a stunning countertop that becomes the focal point of the room. But some of the most popular materials for countertops are not-so-eco-friendly and some come with a handful of health risks.

Everything You Need to Know About Low-Flow Toilets, And Which Ones To Choose

Everything You Need to Know About Low-Flow Toilets, And Which Ones To Choose

Did you know toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30 percent of residential indoor water consumption? According to the EPA, “Over the course of your lifetime, you will likely flush the toilet nearly 140,000 times. If you replace older, existing toilets with WaterSense labeled models, you can save nearly 13,000 gallons per year with this simpler, greener choice”

Extreme Panel Energy-Saving Structural Integrated Panels

Extreme Panel Energy-Saving Structural Integrated Panels

Extreme energy savings Building with Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) from Extreme Panel Technologies is the ultimate way to build green. Extreme SIPs regularly save owners 50-60% on heating and cooling costs. The panels can be used as a complete building envelope...

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