Green Homes

I.M. Pei’s Modernist Legacy Lives On In This Eco Renovation

I.M. Pei’s Modernist Legacy Lives On In This Eco Renovation

I.M. Pei and Araldo Cossutta’s modernist architecture extended to Hyde Park, Chicago in 1961 with the design of the now-historic University Park Condominium. Elemental Green enlisted local architect Richard Kasemsarn to help give one of the penthouse units a green makeover while staying true to its modernist beginnings.

5 Sites to Help You Find Dreamy Environmentally Friendly Homes

5 Sites to Help You Find Dreamy Environmentally Friendly Homes

The U.S. Green Building Council claims that “more than half of consumers rank green and energy-efficiency as top requirements for their next homes.” Sound like you? You’re not alone in your search to buy an environmentally-friendly home. Luckily, with the growing demand for these types of homes, there are now websites dedicated to helping you in your search for finding your dream green home.

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