Healthy Home

We spend more than 90% of our time indoors, and average 16-18 hours a day at home. And recent science is telling us that living and work spaces have tremendous health impacts: affecting everything from immunity and cardiovascular disease to sleep and psychological wellbeing.

Sure, we’ve seen lots of attention and press around green buildings. But as much as we’ve learned about the impact of our homes on the environment, why are we only now considering the impact that our homes are having on human health? The healthy homes movement can be seen as parallel to green building strategies, but in reality, it’s the other half of the sustainability equation.

15 Fabulous Eco-Friendly Countertops For Kitchens Or Baths

15 Fabulous Eco-Friendly Countertops For Kitchens Or Baths

One of the easiest ways to make a major statement in a kitchen or bathroom is by installing a stunning countertop that becomes the focal point of the room. But some of the most popular materials for countertops are not-so-eco-friendly and some come with a handful of health risks.

Strengthen Homes to Combat Storm Damage

Strengthen Homes to Combat Storm Damage

Strengthen, reinforce, and seal. A new home standard for owners and their contractors prevents storm damage to the roof and prevents cascading damage indoors.

Why Choose a Walkable Community?

Why Choose a Walkable Community?

Walkable cities foster community, improve health and happiness. Walkable neighborhoods are desirable places to live. Lifting up public health and safety, while fostering community, make walkable neighborhoods desirable places to live, work, and play. Find yours today!

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Elemental Green
Zero Energy Project
SIP Home Construction: The Future Standard for Speed and Value
Enercept Customized SIPs: The Easiest Way to Build Green
9 Eco-Friendly Electric, Propane, and Natural Gas Grills
15 Fabulous Eco-Friendly Countertops For Kitchens Or Baths
Strengthen Homes to Combat Storm Damage
Resilience Product Showcase: Make Your Home Safe & Sustainable
Why Choose a Walkable Community?
19 Nontoxic, Organic Mattresses for Every Budget
Connect To Nature With Sustainable Outdoor Furniture Brands