Sanden SanCO2 Heat Pump Water Heater
Did you know that the after heating and cooling, the water heater is the second largest use of energy within your home? An inefficient hot water heater can be a big contributor to your monthly bill and to your home’s carbon footprint.
A Leader in Energy-Efficient Heating/Cooling Technology
You can think of this kind of like a reverse air conditioner. It pulls heat out of the air and puts it into the water. As a highly energy-efficient alternative to the traditional electric or gas water heater, the Sanden CO2 heat pump water heater reduces greenhouse gas emissions and eliminates the production of carbon monoxide.
The SanCO2 heat pump water heater system consists of two parts. The Outdoor Unit, where the hot water is produced, using the CO2 refrigerant to extract heat from the ambient air, and the 60- or 80-gallon Storage Tank, which is usually installed inside the home.

Our friends at Hammer & Hand have made a short video which talks about how they used the Sanden heat pump water heater in their Net Energy Positive Madrona Passive House in Seattle Washington.
In Partnership with Nature
Visit Sanden to learn more about their energy efficient water heaters.
Or find them available to purchase at Small Planet Supply
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