Tag: infographic

23 Tips That Make Building an Eco-Friendly Home Much Easier

Building a home can be an overwhelming undertaking – one of the biggest of their life for most people. Add in making the home as environmentally-friendly as possible and you might feel like you’re biting off far more than you can chew. This infographic is by no means comprehensive, but it outlines the basics in a bite-size way that can help make the process less daunting.

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How Your Roof Affects the Environment: Know Before You Buy

Did you know traditional asphalt shingles are a petroleum product and require replacement every 15-20 years (or sooner), resulting in about 20 billion pounds of asphalt shingles ending up in U.S. landfills every year? According to industry data, roughly 7 million U.S. homeowners replace their roof each year and many are looking for new ‘green’, energy-saving options. Here’s what you should know about metal.

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