Category: Cooling
Create Your Home Electrification Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide
Your values guide you. But with a clear home electrification plan, you can budget for upgrades, replace appliances before they fail, and maximize incentives.
Read MoreTrees: A Powerful Tool to Fight Climate Change
Even in cities and suburbs, well-placed trees absorb carbon, and make your home and neighborhood more comfortable, healthier, and less-expensive to live in.
Read MoreGreen Upgrades That Will Maximize Your Home’s Resale Value
Investments in green upgrades not only make your home a wonderful place to live now, but a great value when it comes time to sell.
Read MoreElectrification: The Nexus of Individual and Policy Action
Energy Innovation encourages you take advantage of home electrification, and then share your story with your community and, most important, local policymakers.
Read MoreWhat Homeowners Need to Know from the UN Climate Report
We can limit climate change to 1.5 ℃! The IPCC calls us to reduce our home’s eco impact, use renewable energy, and deploy energy efficient solutions. Now!
Read MoreHeat and Cool Your House With A Geothermal Home System
What is geothermal heating and cooling, and what are the benefits? Geothermal heating/cooling systems are 300-600% more energy efficient than traditional systems. They use less energy even during the coldest winters, emit less CO2 into the atmosphere, and last longer. See how they are used and why one may be right for you.
Read MoreRheem Energy-Efficient Heating, Cooling and Water Products
A leader in the energy-efficiency business From industry-leading innovations to next-generation...
Read MoreAttic Breeze Solar Powered Ventilation
Attic Breeze UltraFlō technology maximizes solar attic fan performance, keeping your attic cool throughout the day and reducing heat transfer into your home. Available in a variety of colors, roof flashings, and solar panel mounting options.
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