SIP-built may cost more up front than conventional stick-built, but thrifty construction and long-term cost savings offer all kinds of comfort and value.
SIP-built may cost more up front than conventional stick-built, but thrifty construction and long-term cost savings offer all kinds of comfort and value.
Enercept has been building homes with customizable SIP construction longer than almost anyone else. They embrace creative, sustainable design.
Strengthen, reinforce, and seal. A new home standard for owners and their contractors prevents storm damage to the roof and prevents cascading damage indoors.
Solar Roof shingles are both green and gorgeous. With an integrated Powerwall battery you’ll effectively turn your home into a personal utility! Plus, they’re so durable they’re warrantied for the lifetime of your house, or infinity, whichever comes first.
Architects and builders continue to innovate with structural insulated panels (SIPs), proving the benefits of affordable, healthier, and more resilient homes.
Imagine solar panels that can take air and turn it into fresh drinking water for you and your family. Source Hydropanels have figured out a way to make this not-so-crazy concept a reality. Read More …
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