Your reliable eco-stone supplier
Stone Wholesale takes their responsibility to the environment very seriously. The company utilizes green business practices to minimize their impact and in fact improve the land that they quarry.
Stone Wholesale practices sustainable stone extraction. They work with ecologists, hydrologists, and naturalists to find a quarry site that will have the least environmental impact. By law, they purchase bonds to obtain each of our mining permits. Only after they have completely restored the quarry area do they get reimbursed. The land looks better after they close the quarry than before they began mining. Stone Wholesale uses their resources to leave absolutely no impact on the land that they mine, including the most energy-efficient tools and machinery on the market, keeping their carbon footprint as small as possible.
Why Stone is a sustainable building material
- Stone is recyclable. When a stone structure is torn down, the stone can be used to build another durable structure. You can’t do that with vinyl siding or faux stone!
- Stone is the most abundant building material on earth. Unlike manufacturing petroleum-loaded plastics, for example, the extraction of stone is a wholly sustainable process.
natural stone veneer
Stone Wholesale’s BrownstoneTM, CherokeeTM and Desert BlendTM sandstone are characterized by natural earth tones. These veneer stone products radiate warmth and comfort placed in any environment.

Flagstone Patios & Walkways
The selection of stone products for patios and walkways dramatically influences the character of every finished landscape project. Stone Wholesale offers a variety of stone choices for any patio, walkway, or landscaping project.
Dimensional stone
Dimensional stone has a distinct and powerful personality. Stone Wholesale has invested in precision cutting equipment to create quality dimensional stone products that are affordable and adaptable.

Stone Wholesale quarries, saws, and shapes dimensional stone to custom sizes. Their quality stone products are characterized by being highly suited for both structural and decorative use.

Landscape stone & boulders
Stone Wholesale has provided landscape stone and large boulders to Colorado and the West for 25 years. The variety and quality of these natural stone boulders, used for decorative and structural purposes, is remarkable.
Stone Wholesale landscape stone and large boulders weigh from 50 pounds to 50 ton and are available and ready to transport today.